Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 3-Blog Challenge

OH NO!! I missed a day already!! Here we go, the excuses are gonna fly.  Didn't get up till about a hour before I had to leave for yea..I wasn't able to blog and I thought about it all night at work.  However, here I am now, no sleep after working all night coming up with the answer to the question:

Who is my favorite Male/Female character??

This one was really hard for me.  There are SOO many characters I absolutely LOVE and adore and get all fan-girlish over.  However, my absolute FAVORITE is Jennifer Armentrout's Daemon Black.  Yes, I can't help it.  Daemon Black is exhausting, arrogant, sweet, funny, egotistical, caring..I mean the words to describe him could go on.  Armentrout really made a point to made him flawed just like the rest of the human population even though...he..wasn't human?? The fights that he has with his counterpart, Katy, really show how much he cares and that even aliens who seem to be perfect in every way can make mistakes.  Here are some quotes that I LOVED from the Lux series..and keep in mind these are just a few!

Daemon took the seat behind me, and my stomach jumped clear into my throat.  I was going to vomit.  Right here, in class, in front-- He poked me in the back with his pen.  I froze.  Him and that ******* pen.  The poke came again, this time with a little force behind it.  I swung around, eyes narrowed.  "What?" Daemon smiled.
My Lips pressed into a hard line.  "You're such an ass.  Has..anyone ever told you that?"  He flashed a genuinely amused smile.  "Oh, Kitten, every single day of my blessed life."
"Why are you such an ass?"  The words came out before I could think twice.  "Everyone has to excel at something, right?" 

When you first meet Daemon, he's impossibly infuriating, but as the Lux series goes on you really get to see that egotistical side subside just a bit and you really get a glimpse of why he is the way that he is...Dreamy to all extremes!!  

Whenever I try to picture an actor to play Daemon, assuming they made a movie, I really can't picture one.  But let me tell you, whomever the model on the front of Onyx is...Oh vey! He is amazingly hot! I can't picture anyone else looking that amazing for the role! 

Who is your favorite male/female character and why?? Leave me a comment!

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