Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Wolf's Cry


She is his weakness.
And she will ruin everything.

Kammy Helseth's idea of adventure never amounted to more than getting a boat across to the mainland and finally escaping to London. That was until she stumbled through the mouth of the forest into a world beneath our own, the world of the Semei.

Her only wish is to find her way home but when Jamie, her best friend, is taken into this new world of shapeshifters and Crystals she has no choice but to stand up to her fear and to remain beneath the surface. Hunted by Bagor, King of Alashdial, and those that are loyal to him, Kammy finds herself in the company of a group of outlaws led by Jad, a Prince with a bitter past and a similarly bitter demeanour.

They overcome age-old prejudice to find a way to work together. But Bagor knows a secret about the Crystals that threatens to change everything. Kammy and Jad must find a way to thwart the king and to save Jamie, but that is just the beginning. For Kammy is in possession of a Key and the fate of countless lives, both human and Semei, may rest in her hands.

Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Shapeshifters
Formats: Kindle
Number of pages: 359 pages
Publisher: Natalie Crown
Publishing Date: December 16, 2013
Language: English
                                                         My Rating:
Ok, the actual rating I'm going with is more like 3.5 stars.  I did thoroughly enjoy the premise behind this novel.  When I originally signed up to review this book, i thought it was going to have "werewolves" in the sense that we think of know what I mean..Twilight, get what I mean??? 

So we meet Kammy Helseth, a young girl who's mother recently passed from disease. She's always been an outsider, never really quite fit in.  She has one friend, Jamie, who is an absolute DOLL! One fateful night, she goes for a the middle of a storm no her mum's old, favorite spot.  She sees the opening to a cave that she hadn't seen there before.  So, like any curiosity killed the cat tale, she meandered her way inside of the cave and into a whole new world of..*drum roll please!*  SHAPESHIFTERS!

She is thrown into a whirl wind of new experiences and new friends..or enemies..We meet Jad, a bitter, yet sweet bundle of, "I just want to punch you in the face because you are so overwhelmed with self pity", a guy....a bit much?? Along with Eric and Tayah.  These three friends, total opposites of each other, but stand by each other through thick and thin....

They have to find a way to restore Jad's name, defeat King Bagor and essentially save themselves and the city of Alashdial.

The the whole first half of the book, I have to say, was very slow to start.  I had a hard time really getting in to it.  It wasn't till about 60% of the way that I really started to have a feel for the characters, a feel for the setting and appreciate them both.  That was it's biggest downfall, to me.  Though, I will tell you, the last two chapters..WHAT?! with most things, when I start the beginning of a series, I almost ALWAYS have to know what happens next.  Therefore I will be looking forward to book two in this trilogy: The Lion's Pride due to be out December of 2014.

Ok, for the characters, I just have to be honest...I did not like Kammy one bit in the beginning.  Yea, she was different, but she really had no...umph about her.  She was mild, meek and timid.  Yes, I get why this was done, it was something for her to overcome.  I can commend Natalie on this, but that was another reason for the slowness in the beginning.  
Jamie on the other hand, her best friend in the novel. I have to say he was my absolute FAVORITE character in this novel.  No he's not a main character, but he's hella good side kick and Kammy's rock! Just take a look

"'You don't own this beach, despite the fact that you spend most of your miserable existence here.'  Kammy's flush deepend."...."Always here for you, freak."
"Fii had only pointed it out as some sort of joke, not knowing, as Kammy did, how much Jamie loved a good joke.  He wore the rainbow striped piece with pride and Kammy loved him for it." 

Oh, I can't help it, Jamie was just so fun, loving and better yet fun-loving! He always had a cheerful gleam about him and it just made him the most loveable character there my opinion. But my absolute favorite quote of his, 

"So you stamped your feet and had a tantrum, who cares?" 
There's more too it than that, but that's all I'm going to share, don't want to give anything away now do we?? 

The pictures painted of the different cities within this "otherworld" were absolutely beautiful.  I would love to see Alashdial and Emire.  I could really picture myself there, going through the motions with the characters. 

Once I got into the bulk of the story and the action, I couldn't stop flipping the pages.  I have the same problem with most first books in series, I almost never like them because there is so much back-story and things you need to know before the story can progress.  Getting to know the characters, understanding how they act, why they do the things they do, getting yourself emerged in the setting and becoming a part of the world that the author creates, it takes time.  That time that I'm always trying to rush through *One of my own self flaws that I really need to work on!* Give it a chance...Dive into the world of the unknown created by Ms. Crown and you'll find yourself emerged in a beautiful surrounding..You won't be disappointed!

I will leave you with this...

"You are his weakness and you will ruin everything"

Dun..dun...dun...Ahh I have to know what happens next! December can't come soon enough!!!

*~*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for a honest review~*~

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